
An electronic platform for participating in and holding tenders, auctions, trades, and commercial purchases, which is used by the largest retail chains of Ukraine

Why EDIN-Tender
is better than regular auctions


1 hour 20 minutes
Creation of electronic auctions 10 minutes
Invitation to participate in a commercial tender 10 minutes
Waiting for offers 1 hour
Automatic selection of the best offer 0 minutes

Regular auctions

5 days 4 hours
Searching for potential suppliers 2 hours
Invitation to participate in the tender 1 hour
Waiting for offers 5 days
Select the best offer 1 hour

We are trusted

    • The speed of conducting electronic tenders
    • New suppliers or buyers
    • The best price for tender purchases
    • Reducing the costs of conducting an online auction
    • Absence of corruption
    • New sales markets for products
    • Transparency and honesty of the electronic trading system - the best wins
    • Information on the organizer's subscription and/or product category
    • Best bet online updates
    • Search for tenders online
    • More than 5 times acceleration of the online tendering process
    • Reliability and safety of online auctions
    • Access from anywhere 24/7
    • Business expansion and scaling opportunities
    • More than 20% cost savings for holding and participating in auctions


For the Auction Participant


For the Auction Organizer


Tariff conditions are adjusted according to the Rules for using the platform

Need a different tariff?

    Acquainted with the privacy policy, and I consent to the processing of personal data.
    saving of employees' time

    METINVEST-SMC is the largest network of metal service centers located throughout Ukraine, which supplies products to a huge number of customers.

    Document flow with our clients is calculated by hundreds of thousands of documents per year. Therefore, it is not surprising that the transition to electronic document management was a promising direction for us, both in terms of optimizing the business processes themselves, and in terms of customer orientation.

    Oleksandr Palamarchuk

    Director of Operations METINVEST - SMC

    Make your business stronger with EDIN

    Contact our specialists, and we will prepare an individual offer for you

      Acquainted with the privacy policy, and I consent to the processing of personal data.