Electronic Document


Export and import of goods with international suppliers, distributors and retail chains through electronic document flow EDIN

EDIN is a Ukrainian provider of e-document interchange, which was the first to start exchanging data with European partners

With which partners you
can already work together with EDIN

Poland — 179 retail chains and distributors


EDIN is ready to connect any of your international retail chains, suppliers or distributors that use EDI. Just fill out the form below.

Do you already know who you want to work with?

Fill out the form and we will set up a quick connection

    Acquainted with the privacy policy, and I consent to the processing of personal data.

    Exchange Which Documents Closes International E-Document Interchange from EDIN

    • Agreements
    • Pricat
    • Order
    • Desadv
    • Invoice
    • Certificates
    • Accompanying commercial documents

    Leave a request and we will advise you on connection issues

    Join the international ecosystem of digital business solutions

      Acquainted with the privacy policy, and I consent to the processing of personal data.