Rating: TOP-5 companies in Ukraine that most effectively use e-CMR EDIN in internal movements


The provider of electronic document interchange EDIN conducted analytics from 2021 to 2023 regarding the involvement of companies in the processes of e-CMR exchange during transportation. Among 4,000 EDIN customers, we have chosen TOP 5 companies that have effectively started digitizing their transportation.

In 2021, the number of transportation participants was: retail chains — 5, suppliers — 9, carriers — 13.

Data for 2022: retail chains — 7, suppliers — 32, carriers — 172.

In 2023, the indicators increased further: retail chains — 24, suppliers — 134, carriers — 206.

In addition to external movements, i.e. movements between different participants (for example, supplier-retail chain), e-CMR is also used in internal movement processes.

Internal goods movement in “Mondelez Ukraine” is the process of products transfer from one location (production site, warehouse) to another location (warehouse). The process naturally requires respective documentation to accompany transportation on the territory of Ukraine – says Kateryna Chernikova OF, CC and CLD Manager.

Also, Danone, Metro, ATB-Market and FM Logistic are active participants in internal transfers, which are among the top five according to EDIN. Each of these five companies, not expecting the mandatory implementation of e-CMR from the state, started a digital transportation project.

Kateryna Chernikova highlighted the advantages of implementing e-CMR in internal transfers:

Electronic format of documents in this process provides several opportunities and benefits:

  • Remote work enables documents processing from everywhere. In fact, it’s possible to hire an employee from any place in Ukraine to work with electronic documents. In case of paper documents, it requires a person’s constant presence at a certain workplace.
  • The speed of receiving electronic documents to pay for transportation services allows transportation departments’ employees to work in no stress and no rush mode till the moment when the payment is due. When employees work with papers, they usually have only a week left till the moment the payment is due. This processing lead time shortens twice or three times with electronic documents.
  • Electronic documents always mean zero losses. It’s very easy to lose a paper. It takes weeks and sometimes months to re-create a package of paper documents.
  • It’s an opportunity for us to unify and standardize processes at difference warehouses and production sites. Who, when and from where prints paper documents and how passes them for shipment or payment are completely different stories – everyone does it on its own way.
  • Unification opportunity is also an amazing possibility to share best practices and experience among locations and to agree on similar and simpler ways of working.

Contact EDIN to learn more about the benefits of electronic document interchange and implement it in your business.

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